Wednesday 25 January 2017

Worried About Hair Loss ?

PRP Therapy is mainly used for hair restoration and natural looking results. With a thin needle, one’s own Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is injected into the scalp. Then the growth factors in the blood cells do their job and hair growth is naturally stimulated.

People who have thin hair and those with androgenetic pattern baldness, women with male pattern baldness can all benefit from it.

The treatment requires around eight sittings, each two weeks apart for best results. Along with it, one may have to be administered with medications like minoxidil and propercia which enhance the platelets.

Patients will soon see a fuzz of hair after the fourth sitting. The treatment will not only promote hair growth but will also strengthen hair follicles. It is a safe procedure without any side-effects. Since it involves drawing out blood and multiple needle pricks, it may look uncomfortable and scary but a numbing cream is used prior to the procedure to reduce the discomfort.

The first benefit is that the plasma is developed from the patient’s own blood and does not involve adulteration of any sort. This eliminates the risks that come with donor genetic materials such as allergies, hypersensitivity and other adverse reactions. The second benefit, which most of the patients like to hear is the effectiveness of the treatment. Typically, results are seen within 3-6 months following treatment. Another important consent of many patients is cost. Fortunately, the treatment has proven to be very affordable and cost-effective, especially when compared to other surgical treatment options.

PIONEER HAIR CARE CENTRE is a specialty hair transplantation clinic that is centrally located and easily approachable. They have incorporated latest and safest surgical techniques into practice to give best results to all patients.

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